Book: Call Me Zena - By Sally Barnard


“Call Me Zena”

A True Story Into The Unknown

By Sally Barnard

Read about Sally’s amazing journey in her book: “Call Me Zena”. Available at

Book - Call Me Zena By Author Sally Barnard

This is a true story. Sally was born in London England at the end of the second world war. She came to the USA in 1979. She is a mother of two and a grandmother of four. She settled in Florida and worked in real estate sales. This is how her story began. She was going through a very difficult time in her life was admitted into hospital overnight in December 2005. She settle back into her life or so she thought. WRONG She was having very vivid dreams. She started to document them. On her third dream she was given a message by a lady that was showing her how to draw. The lady told her to go and get some paper and crayons. Sally has never been able to draw and had no interest in art or history. Today she has over 150 pieces of art drawings and poetry. This book is how this came about. How artwork has messages in it with interpretations. She has met on her "travels" many people along the way including his spirit guides. This book will show you how anything is possible. Have an open mind and believe. She describes in detail how she was able to astral project. She was never aware of this before. It changed her life's direction and this book or show you how to change yours.

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Reviews about my book

this is my story…

Midwest Book Review:

Ive read numerous books of this type but never has one revealed so much in so little space. Barnard reveals her life from the beginning in England to moving to Florida. She tells her many years of painful incidents and how her personality was affected by all that happened to her. She then relates how she began to have out of body experiences, and that she suddenly had ability to write and draw. She points out that before any of this took place she had never written anything and could not even draw a straight line. She believes the writing and art are the result of her being tied into a woman who lived in England in the late 1800s who lived in the same area not far from Sally in England. She tells that their artwork is very similar, that the out of body happenings all occurred from three am to four am. She began to write poetry, then moved on to telling her story in this book and she is constantly striving to make her writing stronger. The poetry and drawings are interesting. She gives explanations for the pieces for those who would like to know what they are, according to her. I, on the other hand, prefer to not read them so that I can have my own interpretation The reading is easy and there is a lot many can learn from this fascinating work. - Gary Roen


Dear Sally, I wanted to let you know how much your book encouraged me to release my fear of the unknown. Reading what you experienced helps me feel the sense of freedom that you've come to know and that I hope to feel in time. The healing - releasing session that I had with you made me realize how gifted you really are. Your answers to my questions were validating and confirming. Your knowing was right on and your method is truly unique. I love having the art work because it helps me to remember what you told me. - Laurie